For my Genius hour project I have chosen the category transportation. In the category is the car topic because I love cars. I am always looking for new to old cars all day long even if it is not a car no one likes. I still like to name the brand, model year, model, gas mileage, and some features the vehicle may have that I know of. The one thing I don’t really care about cars is the parts like what kind of engine, wheels, etc. My favorite car in luxury in a mercedes benz s-class maybach. In trucks It would be chevrolet silverado 2015 or a limited edition 2015 ford excursion (is not a truck but I still like it). In speed it would be a lamborghini. In electric car would be by tesla motors is the model s. In size would be chevrolet tan 2015 suburban.. I have made the website and links to different pages but not published it yet but I still need to research and a little bit of cosmetic things to the website.